Flip Flops User - Not Just for Your Feet

In the summertime, many people around the world wear a kind of casual shoe known as “flip-flops.” They are completely open and keep your feet cool in warm weather. You'll see a lot of people wearing them at the beach or by a swimming pool.

The next big thing for a flip flop. Shoe experts agree that flip-flops are based on a traditional Japanese sandal, called the zori, that became popular in the west in the 1950s.
Flip-flops have many different names in many different countries. In Australia, they are known as "thongs", while in South Africa, people call them "slops". And in New Zealand, they are called "jandals" – short for "Japanese sandals".
They became known as flip-flops in the U.S. because this is the sound they make when you walk in them.
But another way we use the word "flip-flop" in English has nothing to do with shoes.When you flip-flop, you completely change your mind on an issue.
Today, the term “flip-flop” is most commonly used in the world of politics.
Being accused of flip-flopping is usually not good. Let’s say you are running for president. Early in the campaign you supported a popular issue – such as lowering taxes for businesses. But now supporting that issue is not popular.
So, during the campaign, you tell voters that you’ve changed your mind. You now want to raise taxes for businesses. Your opponent could accuse you of being weak, of not knowing what you believe in, or of changing your position to get more votes.
Article credit to ENGOO DailyNews